View photos from Advanced Diesel Injection in San Diego, CA

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Advanced Diesel Injection, Inc. in San Diego, CA, can be reached at 619-232-6452.

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Advanced Diesel Injection, Inc.

Phone: 619-232-6452

3134 Main St San Diego, California 92113-3769

Business Hours

Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday:            Appointments Only
Sunday:                                   Closed

Since 1973

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Please remove your fuel injection pump and injectors for us to work on.

We do not work on vehicles and we are not a general auto repair shop!

We provide diesel fuel injection parts, component testing and rebuilding for automotive, marine and industrial applications. The fuel injection pump and injectors need to be removed from the vehicle/vessel first.

Please only bring in the fuel injection pump and injectors.